Monday, January 30, 2012

wow, isn't it funny that we we try to do something "good" with or for our bodies--you hear that voice saying "you are doing without!!!!!" or whatever it says to keep your mind off your goal---give it the hands up--tell that inner evil you are doing a good thing--that what you are missing out on is energy, time with your kids, feeling good, etc....---maybe you have to go to the doctor often for your blood pressure, cholesterol, headaches, can be treated without drugs (not telling you to stop taking them, but you might be able to) and with food!  Now for the exercise---I am not telling you to take these major aerobic classes or lifting weights, but MOVE.  If you are not use to exercising just walk (go to library for free rental or go to Wal-mart and buy) the Walk Away the Pounds video--maybe at first you can only do 5 or 10 minutes, then work your way up, do wall push-ups-easier on the body until you can do more--start simple--work your way up--its for YOU and no one else!  Be there for the future-show your kids a great example!  Love & Blessings to you!

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