Thursday, February 2, 2012

WOW-my to do list is so long today, but you are on it for me to do.  Why?  YOU ARE IMPORTANT!  We have to take care of ourselves and encourage one another along.  If you are having a hard day and are thinking to yourself-"I don't want to do this or that"  refocus--write down why in the first place you are doing this-be honest with yourself.  Are you denying yourself something you REALLY want?  Find the most healthiest option--Dr. Oz had on his show this week 99 "healthy" packaged food--one was the most yummiest looking dessert called a vitamuffin brownie--go to his site and see what it is.  Try the 90/10 or 80/20 rule--do the absolute best 80 or 90 % of time, but that smaller % do what you need to do so you are not feeling deprived.  Maybe you do not feel like exercising--then don't today but do a bit extra tomorrow--or do something low key--just some stretching, yoga, even sitting with nothing on and focus on breathing--talking about a stress reducer!  Overwhelmed--go sit in your tub with a glass of wine, cup of tea, soft music, pray and spend some time alone--even if all you get is 15 min.  MAKE THE MOST of all the time the Lord had given you--make a choice to be happy today!

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